Best Universities in Canada for International Students

Illustration of students in Canada

Canada is a tremendous destination for university students. With so many high-quality universities, it can be tough to narrow down the best universities in Canada for international students.

Thirteen Canadian institutions made the Times Higher Education list of . Below, we’ve share this list to help you decide which university may be best for you.

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British Columbia's flag (segment): the top half is the Union Jack, topped by a golden crown at the heart of the flag. The bottom half displays white and blue waves topped by a radiant sunburst emerging from the bottom of the frame.

University of British Columbia

Canada’s third-largest university is also one of the most diverse in Canada. International students make up roughly a quarter of the student population, with students from 156 countries. This helps to make the University of British Columbia one of the best universities in Canada for international students.

This diversity is also a tremendous asset as UBC has alumni in 140 countries. This ultimately means, no matter where you go after university, chances are there will be some degree of alumni support. Given all the international students, UBC has one of the best and most comprehensive  in Canada.

Vancouver is also one of the most diverse cities in the world. This makes the transition more seamless for many international students. Moreover, Vancouver, and all of British Columbia, offers some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. This includes incredible beaches, gorgeous landscapes, multiple mountain ranges, and beautiful valleys that grow lots of fruit and vegetables to enjoy.

Want to study abroad in British Columbia? You can register for ApplyBoard and start your journey for free today!

Illustration of part of the Quebecois flag: navy background with a white cross; white fleur-de-lis appear above and below the horizontal cross. This is a weird cropping of the flag.

McGill University

Twenty seven percent of the McGill University student population consists of international students, who come from over 150 countries.

This helps to make McGill one of the best universities in Canada for international students. Its International Student Services (ISS) provides guidance on how to get jobs, learn English and French, how to get health insurance, and more.

If you have an interest in pursuing a career in medicine, or wish to pursue a postgraduate research degree, McGill is a great option. It’s known to be one of the best universities in the world by a variety of rankings for these areas.

Plus, McGill’s campus is located in Montreal, Canada’s cultural capital. While you’re there, enjoy an abundance of entertainment, different foods, historical buildings, and great music. All through the year, but especially in the summertime, there are lots of events and festivals worth exploring.

Here’s four great reasons to study abroad in Montreal!

Ontario's crest: a red background, on which sits a shield, divided in two parts: a red cross on a white background, over top of a trio of golden maple leaves on a forest green background.

University of Toronto

Canada’s biggest and most well-known university is also quite diverse. 21 percent of its population is international students. The campus’ diversity is matched by its diversity in academic offerings: U of T offers over 700 undergraduate programs alone.

There are also plenty of scholarships open to international students at the U of T. For more information, check out . In addition, U of T is one of the world’s most highly-ranked universities.

Toronto is also the world’s  This allows international students to more easily adapt to life in Canada. The city has plenty of public transit which allows students to easily commute to school if they are unable to afford living in the downtown core.

Feel like Toronto may be a good fit for you? Explore all of our partner schools in Toronto and register your account for free.

University of Saskatchewan

The University of Saskatchewan is one of the largest universities in Canada, hosting 22,000 students. Of those students, roughly 14 percent are international students.

Although this doesn’t represent the biggest proportion of international students on this list, there are many other reasons why this university is one of the best in Canada. The university runs evening classes for English as a Second Language (ESL), and has a program designed to help international students learn English: U-Bridge.

Further, the province of Saskatchewan is one of the fastest growing in Canada and has many job openings. There are many incentives for international students to remain in the province after graduation. For example, the provides income tax credits of up to C$20,000 of tuition fees paid by eligible graduates. This also includes international graduates who live in Saskatchewan and who file a Saskatchewan income tax return.

An illustration of the Nova Scotia crest: a white background with a blue angled cross, topped with a gold shield decorated by a red lion rampant in a red barbed frame

Dalhousie University

In comparison to the other institutions listed, Dalhousie has the smallest student population, at just under 20,000. However, Dalhousie University, otherwise known as Dal, has over 3,500 international students. This makes it fourth on this list proportionately. Students are from more than 110 countries, making Dal an incredibly diverse university.

The diversity isn’t the only reason Dal is one of the best universities in Canada for international students. Dal is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, which is right on the ocean with plenty of beaches, a lively music and art scene, lots of bike trails, mountains nearby for skiing, and nearby natural attractions like the Cabot Trail and Bay of Fundy.

Locals (called ““) are also some of the most friendly people on Earth. This ultimately can make your transition to a new country a bit easier.  Nova Scotia also offers various programs and incentives for international students. For more information, take a look at this .

Keen on learning more about Nova Scotia? Explore our partner schools on the east coast and !


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